As more and more people around the world become interested in being entrepreneurs, the uptake for network marketing techniques continues to grow rapidly. The outcome of multi-level marketing (MLM) has an impressive success rate, which is why most entrepreneurs are drawn towards this business model. And, the key to run a successful MLM company lies in the adoption of effective software that manages network marketing operations. There are dozens of software products in the market.
So, choosing the best one from them can be a tricky task. Instead of using each of them on a trial basis for a given period of time, you could simply narrow it down to that one software that has the following key features.
What Features Will You Find in the World’s Best MLM Software?
For any business sector, the best software product is identified by the features it offers and its effectiveness in boosting the business. In the network marketing landscape, the best MLM software must have a set of features that not only improve the business but also streamline the operations.
What is MLM Software?
MLM software plays a key role in the success of a network marketing business. It is the necessary tool for every MLM manager or an administrator. The best MLM software helps you meet business requirements. It also allows the MLM company to customize its operations for achieving standout success and beating competitors. Without an effective MLM software, your business can plummet to a sudden decline, especially when your competitors are already using similar software to stay ahead in the game.
How to Find Best MLM Software?
Finding the best software for your MLM company involves identifying the list of features being offered. Some software has multifunctional capabilities, while some offer updated versions of existing features. The following features will help you find and adopt the best MLM software.
1 eCommerce Integration
The software should support e-commerce integration which enables you in online dealing with products and services. A network marketing company sells products from various manufacturers and uses online platforms to reach maximum number of customers. If the MLM software can integrate e-commerce platforms, your online sales operations can be managed in a better way. The software can use the internet to help you update your e-commerce offerings from electronic devices such as smartphones and laptops. You’d get better visibility for online purchases and identifying the uptrends in online sales can become easier.
2 Automated Transactions
When an MLM software automates the payment processes, the money transactions become more secure and simple. You can generate payouts accurately and the transactions become a lot quicker with the help of instant fund transfer tools. Most network marketing companies need automated payment processing features in their software. This helps them gain agility and avoid payout bottlenecks among its members. An MLM software that automates the transactional processes can also ensure that pending dues get carry-forwarded to the next payment cycle. Advanced technologies such as Blockchain are also a part of these features, securing the transactional data generated across a network marketing organization.
3 Customer Support
The best MLM software should have the ticketing feature. The software should support the customers in creating tickets based on their business requirements and order issues. When such a centralized customer support system can be managed by the MLM software, it becomes easier for you to track customer issues. Instead of phone calls, raising tickets is a more optimized way of solving customer issues. The feature can also allow customers to contribute to online forums. The software will let you filter queries based on their importance and complexities. It will also offer self-help options. In addition to this, the software can enable spam prevention, rating, email notifications, and proactive responses for the tickets and customer concerns being raised.
4 Multiple Compensation Plans
An MLM software holds a key opportunity for a company by supporting multiple compensation plans. If the software supports more MLM plans, then it can be used by companies into different industrial verticals and network marketing business models. A company can use this software and support its operations with a binary compensation plan. The same company can use the software to support its new branch business with binary, matrix or other types of compensation plans. The software can even help a network marketing business with a smooth transition from a uni-level compensation plan to the generation tree plan. The best MLM software can also help your business adopt more than 25 type of mlm compensation plan with customization through hybrid plans.
5 eWallets
E-wallets are an amazing feature that every MLM software must offer. If your software can support e-wallets, then it would be easier for you to store transactional data on cloud networks. With the help of e-wallets, your money transactions can be stored and managed on cloud platforms. Transactional data becomes more secure when you have the authentic security of e-wallets such as Google Pay, PayPal and more. Maintaining your transactional data on such virtual accounts is more cost-effective and business-productive. The software can allow rapid and safe commercial transactions through e-wallets. In today’s online world, a majority of customers prefer using e-wallets as a convenient option for transactions. Adding and deducting amounts from these e-wallets is easy for MLM professionals as well as customers.
6 ePin
To make the transactions more secure, MLM software must support e-pins. When an e-pin is registered by an MLM company, it can be generated by users for various purposes. A customer can use e-pins for online purchases. New customers can use e-pins for online registrations and sign-ups. MLM professionals can generate e-pins when they expand their downlines and execute member renewals. The software also allows a default e-pin generation for every new member joining the company. The e-pin feature makes the transactions more versatile and also brings a reporting system into effect.
7 Website Management
The MLM software should have an important add-on: web support. If the software helps you out in managing your company’s website, then you hit two birds with one stone. More importantly, the software should support website replication. It should allow members to run their own websites and increase the overall online exposure of the company. When each member can run an individual website, the sales will get a great boost. It directly improves product promotions and drives overall business growth.
8 Multiple Language Support
To expand into different markets, MLM companies need software that supports multiple languages. Multilinguistic support helps you capture more customers and tap new regional markets via online promotions. It gives the comfort of handling business in preferable languages. It also heeds to customer requirements in terms of linguistic preferences.
9 Content Management System
The best software for an MLM company must have an effective content management system. It is a set of features that would be actively used while operating an MLM company with the software. The CMS features would help users take advantage of web technologies that help them with the digital marketing of products and services. The promotional content could reach maximum online avenues. CMS tools can help you generate content easily and distribute it across multiple channels.
10 Data Backup
Lastly, you’d need software that offers a highly secured data backup. In the case of online thefts and other malicious attempts that may put an MLM company under a threat of business standstill or decline, a strong data backup becomes critical in rising back from zero.
To know more about our 151+ MLM Software Features
In addition to the above features, the best MLM software should also add new enhancements. Ventaforce is a leading name in the MLM marketplace and recognized for being the best network marketing software.
Along with the features listed above, Ventaforce is also known for being the best MLM software by offering fast, reliable, and secure management of operations. It also helps you define your MLM business with multi-user role management. With Ventaforce, you can also implement a range of open-source technologies.
Simply put, Ventaforce continues to be the best MLM software by modernizing itself with the evolving network marketing industry.