Network Marketing is a flourishing business all over the world. Compared to developed nations, MLM has drastically spread more in developing nations, South Africa is one example of it.
South Africa, the rainbow nation has various active direct selling companies in the country. But this post is about the best network marketing company in South Africa.
Top 20 MLM Companies in South Africa
Below we have shortlisted the top 20 MLM companies in South Africa. Global popularity, products and operating revenue, these are important parameters of this list.
So, let’s move forward to the list of top MLM companies in South Africa.
Forever Living Products
Forever Living Products shortly known as FLP claims to be one of the world’s largest manufacturers of Aloe Vera products.
It was started in the year 1970 by Rex Maughan –an American Businessman.
The origin country of FLP is the USA along with its head office being in Scottsdale, Arizona, United States.
The company deals in health care, nutrition, personal care products and cosmetics manufactured from natural Aloe Vera and bee honey.
Long Rich
Long rich also known as Jiangsu Longrich Bioscience is a Chinese MLM company. It was started in the year 1986 by Xu Zhiwei - a philanthropist.
The head office is located in China with other major development plants in the US, France as well as Japan. The company deals in cosmetics and health care products.
Global Development Network abbreviated as GDN is a worldwide network of research and policies to pace up the development of technologies and solve challenges faced in the same.
In 1995 it was registered as an NGO by British journalist Shiv Satchit. It was established as a company in 1999 with its head office in New Delhi, India. GDN works to accelerate global development.
Herbalife is one of the leading MLM companies in the field of nutrition and weight loss. It was established in the year 1980 by Mark Reynolds Hughes in California, US. Herbalife’s head office is located in Los Angeles, California, United States.
The company mainly deals in weight management, nutritional supplements, cosmetics, personal care, and skincare products.
Jamalife known as Jamalife Helpers Global is an online and offline organization working to build people financially. It was started in the year 1992 by Kurt Mear in Nigeria.
The head office of Jamalife is located in Lagos, Nigeria. Rather than selling products, provides the services such as human capital development, online mall, food security, financial empowerment, flight/hotel booking and property acquisition. The services are referred by Jamalife and on purchase, they earn a commission.
Trevo LLC
Trevo is one more MLM company dealing in nutrition and drinks. It was started in 2010 by Mark A. Stevens who is a successful leader, entrepreneur, motivational speaker, author as well as humanitarian. The company is located in Oklahoma City, United States. The company mainly deals in health and wellness products as well as nutritional products.
NU Skin
NU Skin is an MLM company that manufactures and sells products themselves. NU Skin was launched in the United States by Ritch N. Wood in the year 1984. The head office of NU Skin is situated in Provo, Utah, United States. The company mainly deals in personal care products and dietary supplements.
Mannatech is an MLM company focusing on the diet and health of people. It was founded in the year 1993 by Samuel Caster in Texas, United States. The head office of Mannatech is located in Flower Mound, Texas, United States. The company mainly deals in health care, fitness and skincare products.
Aim Africa
Aim Africa is a company focusing on delivering high quality nutritional and health supplements to the people. It was started on 19 June 1995 by Marcus Stuttard. Aim Africa was located in London, England and UK. The company mainly deals in health and wellness products. The main aim of AIM Africa is to make every person healthy and happy.
Neolife GNLD
Neolife GNLD is one more MLM company focusing on the health and wellness of people. As per the company, its products are based on nature and backed by science. It was founded in the year 1958 by Jerry Brassfield. The company mainly deals in health packs, weight management products, energy and fitness products as well as wellness products.
IFA – Independent Field Associates
IFA – Independent Field Associates is a company dealing in financial services. Basil Reekie is the chairman of the company. The company has also developed a mobile application to make necessary transactions. The company mainly deals in insurance policies and IFA Gold.
KMI is a company that is bringing awareness among people about their medication by bringing in spray vitamin technology. According to the company, the spray directly gets absorbed and works faster. It was founded in 1996 in South Africa. The company mainly deals in vitamin supplements and spray medicine.
I hope this post is knowledgeable and helpful for you. Before wrapping up, we have a few insights you must know.
There are various factors that decide the success of MLM companies such as products, management & their experience, market and compensation plan.
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