February 11, 2025

MLM business that provides employment opportunity to millions of people directly or indirectly has its own edge when comes in term of expansion!

Every business requires expansion at the specific time but as far as network marketing business concern the time comes little early. The reason behind that:

  1. MLM business does not require office or other infrastructure requirements, so it can easily be expanded worldwide.
  2. Anybody from everywhere can be a distributor of MLM company so, another merit in the International expansion.
  3. Many a time domestic country fails to provide adequate revenue to MLM Company that times the need arise for International expansion.

The above-enumerated facts push the cart of International expansion. Now a big question mark has been put on the capability of MLM software!

We invest once in software hence it ought to be capable enough when you think of going abroad. MLM Blaster the chain marketing software from the renowned house of Sankalp boasts International features such as:

  1. Configuration should be possible: MLM Blaster is capable of configuration as per requirement and need of the specific country.
  2. Multi-language facility: Global expansion is not possible until your MLM software does not understand multi-language. MLM Blaster is multi-language software for your International business.
  3. Multi-currency facility: Whether it is the calculation of payout or any other activity, MLM Blaster possesses multi-currency facility for your mlm business.
  4. The setting of tax rate percentage as per specific country: In India which is VAT differ in other countries with their specific tax rate or percentage.
  5. Replicated Websites with Personalized Web Address: MLM Blaster facilitates you with the replicated website along with personalized web address.
  6. Different payment gateway: Payment gateway differs from location to location. MLM blaster facilitates different payment gateways as per requirement.
  7. Enrollment Options: Some prefer enrolment by e-wallet, some by e-pin again it differ from country to country. MLM Blaster provides you with the freedom to choose enrollment option as per your need.
  8. Tax ID or identification per country: In India, we use PAN card for identification some countries use the passport or any other. Going Global, need not be worried till our MLM Software provides your required choice of selecting identification card.
  9. Country-specific shipping methods: Different way of delivery of goods includes freight, train, courier or other modes of transport. MLM Blaster gives you the option to select your preferred mode of shipping without any compromising.

2 thoughts on “The Main Features Of A MLM Software

  1. Its really great job. These tips are more and more important to sale a home. I think these are the key terms which are need to strictly in consideration to sale our home. Thank you for sharing with us. It would be effective for all.

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